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Native app suddenly only showing white screen!

Suddenly both my Android and iOS apps only shows white screens. The bubble app works on the web, it’s only the app. Like something is blocking it from loading.

I need help urgent with this, I don’t how to debug this since everything works well on the web.

I have 1000+ users that need to use this app on a hourly basis, so this is critical!

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!

Seems to have sorted out itself…

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Hi, I’ve been getting the same issue. Only in the last 6 weeks. Did you find out what was causing it, or has it occurred again?

Yes, 2 more times. Yesterday was the latest.
It’s always around the same time of day

20.00 CET (Stockholm time). 1 Tuesday and 2 Thursdays (which shouldn’t matter but given the strange nature of this bug…)

One hypothesis I have is that it is due to loading times of the bubble app.

Since the app wrapper needs to load everything when it opens it’s dependent on an internet connection to even open. However it usually throws another error if there is no connection at all.

So maybe there is some threshold in the app code that requires the entire bubble app load/respond within a certain time. …and on these occasions, something is causing the response time to slower than usual. My web login works just fine btw (and yours?)

Where in the world are you? (Another vague idea is that it is in the transmission across the Atlantic to Europe, but feels far fetched)

What time during the day did you experience this?

Hi everyone,

@BjornT, thank you for your detailed response.

I’ve checked in with the Air Native team, and it seems that Bubble may have made some changes to their User Agent.

Could you please confirm if everything is now working fine with your native apps? Additionally, if you haven’t already, I recommend contacting the Bubble support team at to inquire about this issue. Since it occurred around the same time, they may be able to provide some insight.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for bubble

RIGHT NOW: the app is down again, same white screen. Please check with bubble!!!

I can not do it, since I have no clue as to why the app you built doesn’t work.
But it’s definitely time-related.

All I can do is wait for a couple of hours to pass, and hope that none of our users gets to upset. I mean why would they, is just the app they use for all internal communications at their company.

Please look into this!

Hi @BjornT,

Thank you for getting back to us.

I’ve reported this issue to the dev team, and we’ll continue to monitor it. If it happens again, please let us know.
Interestingly, this seems to occur around the same day and time each instance. We suspect there may be some changes happening with Bubble’s user agent, as previously mentioned. We’ll reach out to Bubble’s support team for more information and update you once we have further details.

We’re working to understand what might be causing this, but given its inconsistency, it’s a bit challenging to pinpoint.

I’ll keep you informed as soon as I have news. :pray:

Best regards.
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for bubble

Thank you! Appreciate it.

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It’s happening again!

Hi again @BjornT

Thank you for your follow-up message. We believe we’ve identified the root cause of the issue and have reported it to Bubble, requesting a solution.

Once we receive a response from them, I’ll make sure to keep you updated promptly.

Did you notice this occurring only with iOS apps or on both iOS and Android?

Apologies for any inconvenience as we work on this with the Bubble team, and thank you for your cooperation.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards, :pray:

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for bubble

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hi there, having the same issue this morning with all native applications built by Zeroquode, the app works fine in browser but not in the Native app - getting a white screen with message - “our browser was unable to load the application data”

any assistance will be greatly appreciated, we have over 5000 users who cant access services, bubble has confirmed that it’s not on their side.

please help!!


Same here!
Last time these things happened they usually resolved during night, but this is persistent since the last 10 hours! It’s a major problem with paying users not being able to access their daily operational information!

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There is a launch happening right now, with millions of ads being injected into the app, and the application is stuck on a white screen. Both iOS and Android are affected. The web version, which relies only on Bubble, is working. Therefore, the issue is entirely with Zeroqode’s service. I request the highest level of urgency. The financial loss is reaching extremely alarming levels.

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last night bubble cluster had issues, and they had posted they resolved the issue, when they did that, the app stopped working

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for your patience! We’re currently in touch with the Air Native team to address the issue you’re experiencing. Please don’t worry — we’re actively working on resolving it as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your understanding and will keep you updated on the progress.

Best regards,

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for bubble

Hi @Igor do you have any updates on the root cause and the ETA on resolution

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Same here @Igor , could it be linked to the SSL certificate renewal (mine has been renewed automatically today)?

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Hi everyone,

The Air Native team has identified the root cause of the issue.

The problem is caused by Bubble’s code, which is blocking the user agent used in the Air Native app (although it should still function). This is resulting in an error that impacts the page load in the webview.

The solution recommended by the Air Native team is to update the userAgent for everyone affected and upload new rebuilds at no extra cost.

Please email us at with the app name, and we will share this information with the Air Native team.

Note: All previous requests/messages from this thread are already being processed, so there is no need to send another email. You will receive notifications about the new builds soon. :pray:

We appreciate your patience as we handle all inquiries in the order they were received.

Thank you for your understanding, and we sincerely apologize for this unexpected behavior caused by Bubble’s side. :bubbles:

Wishing you a great week ahead. :relieved:

Best regards,

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To streamline the process, please review your Apple Developer account ahead of time. If there are any pending agreements, kindly accept them and ensure all access permissions are granted.

There are four essential platforms where our emails need to be added as team members:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Additionally, I have reported this issue to the Bubble team, hoping they can provide support for the previous user agent and compatibility with older devices and browser versions. I’ve seen similar issues being reported with other wrapping solutions that use Webview.

I’ll keep you updated.

Best regards, :pray:

Hi, sorry but I’m missing a bit. My wrapping is made with BDK but we all have the same problem. If I correctly understood:

  1. Bubble broke things on their side preventing webviews to work;
  2. You are suggesting to prepare a new build in order to change the user agent.

Why are you assuming that Bubble will not fix? Do you believe it is an intentional change that will stay?
Btw I tried to contact their support and posted on the forum but haven’t heard from them (this is crazy).