Services Plugins FAQs

Native Picture Taking

Looking for a Plugin and/or Template that includes native picture taking with a phone. Picture would then be processed with one of your OCR plugins to extract data from the image file.

Will I need two separate plugins or do you have both capabilities built into one plugin?

Hi @paul6, thanks for reaching out.

I will answer straight to your questions, unfortunately, we don’t have such a plugin that combines both features, you will need to use two separate plugins for your use case.

Due to the fact that I have a few details about your application, I can suggest you use the following plugins:

  1. Free OCR Service Plugin for Bubble
  2. OCR - Convert Images and PDF to text Plugin for Bubble
  3. Camera Native

In case you would like to use a more advanced file uploader, try our File uploads + Video Capture Plugin for Bubble.
Please check Live Demo pages to see the workflow and settings.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
Best regards,