Services Plugins FAQs

Need help in detection of "Pull down to refresh" with the Air Pull To Refresh

How do I make detect a pull down to refresh (i am using air pull to refresh). What I want to achieve is that when the air pull down to refresh is initiated, a toast is shown.
The issue i am facing is that pull down to refresh is executed entirely through code and not any bubble functionality, how do i make bubble detect it, maybe some code is required?

Hello @gupta,
Thank you for contacting us, and sorry for the long response.

I’m excited to share that we have effectively resolved the issue with the Air Pull To Refresh Plugin action and have updated it to version 1.15.0.

Could you kindly update the plugin within your app to this latest version and confirm whether everything is now operating smoothly? :blush:

Feel free to explore the plugin’s functionality on our demo page.

Your patience and cooperation throughout this process have been greatly appreciated.


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Hi @AntonZ on,
Thank you so much for the support from the team. Everything works as intended! One last thing I would like to request is to add functionality in which when the plugin is pulled down, it pushes the floating elements with it. Thank you again for the update

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Hello @gupta ,
Thank you for your reply.

I’ve sent your request to the developers and as soon as I hear back from them, I’ll be sure to get back to you

Aso, if you like our plugins, you can rate them by going to the Plugins tab in the Bubble editor and sharing your experience with the rest of the Bubble community.
You can find the plugin by name and it gives it as many stars as it deserves :slightly_smiling_face:
We would appreciate it a lot.

In case you would like to share your experience with the rest of the world, here you can find our link for Trustpilot:


Hello @gupta ,
Thank you for your patience.

We have consulted with our development team about your suggestion and unfortunately, it’s not possible to add this feature you mentioned above yet, as Bubble lacks this option.

Thank you for understanding.
Regards, :pray: