I am trying to do audio recording, but I can’t get it to upload to amazon S3.
I’ve set up everything and the video call starts correctly with no errors.
Here are the key logs for my issue with Agora Cloud Recording and audio not showing up in S3:
Microphone Initialization
The microphone is detected and initialized successfully:
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:169 Agora-SDK [INFO]: start create microphone audio track with config {} trackId track-mic-4af419ec
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:170 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [track-mic-4af419ec] GetUserMedia {"audio":{}}
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:931 Agora-SDK [INFO]: create microphone audio track success, trackId: track-mic-4af419ec
Publishing Audio Track
The audio track is published along with the video:
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:932 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-710c3] Publishing tracks, id track-cam-1610dc80 ,track-mic-4af419ec
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:932 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: add track-mic-4af419ec to mixing track
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:980 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-710c3] Publish success, id track-cam-1610dc80 ,track-mic-4af419ec
It looks like the microphone is working and the track is being published, but I don’t see audio in my S3 recordings. Any idea what could be missing?
Here are some screenshots from my app:
Workflow for Button to join as host:
Custom workflow create recording
My video call running:
The agora page for the prioject (the one for video call, there is another for streaming):
The amazon S3 looks set up as well (I got access keys from it to use in the workflow):
I saw I had a problem with the directory for puttin “”, but I changed it to ‘test’ (no quotation marks). Other than this, I don’t know what else to do.