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Need help recording in the agora plugin (no errors, but recording is not going to amazon s3)

I am trying to do audio recording, but I can’t get it to upload to amazon S3.

I’ve set up everything and the video call starts correctly with no errors.

Here are the key logs for my issue with Agora Cloud Recording and audio not showing up in S3:

Microphone Initialization

The microphone is detected and initialized successfully:

AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:169 Agora-SDK [INFO]: start create microphone audio track with config {} trackId track-mic-4af419ec
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:170 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: [track-mic-4af419ec] GetUserMedia {"audio":{}}
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:931 Agora-SDK [INFO]: create microphone audio track success, trackId: track-mic-4af419ec

Publishing Audio Track

The audio track is published along with the video:

AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:932 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-710c3] Publishing tracks, id track-cam-1610dc80 ,track-mic-4af419ec 
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:932 Agora-SDK [DEBUG]: add track-mic-4af419ec to mixing track
AgoraRTC_N-production.min.js:11 13:00:42:980 Agora-SDK [INFO]: [client-710c3] Publish success, id track-cam-1610dc80 ,track-mic-4af419ec

It looks like the microphone is working and the track is being published, but I don’t see audio in my S3 recordings. Any idea what could be missing?

Here are some screenshots from my app:
Workflow for Button to join as host:

Custom workflow create recording

My video call running:

The agora page for the prioject (the one for video call, there is another for streaming):

The amazon S3 looks set up as well (I got access keys from it to use in the workflow):

I saw I had a problem with the directory for puttin “”, but I changed it to ‘test’ (no quotation marks). Other than this, I don’t know what else to do.

Hi @mateus.zuliani,

Thanks for reaching out to us :hugs:

I’ll share the correct configuration for the recording feature of individual recordings in conferences. If you’re trying to record streams instead, below are mentioned what needs to be changed for them.

Here are the steps for starting the recording:

  1. Set Custom State: First, we set a custom state with the User UID from the plugin element (see screenshot).
  2. Generate Recording Token: Next, we use the “Generate Recording Token” action, where we specify the mode -either real-time call for the conference or stream. Along with that, we provide the room name (which you set in the Join actions) and the UID we saved earlier (see screenshot).
  3. Get Resource ID: The third action is “Get Resource ID.” We provide the app ID for either the stream or conference, which should match what you’ve set in the plugin settings. Additionally, you’ll need to provide the room and UID (see screenshot).
  4. Start Individual Cloud Recording: After this, we use the “Start Individual Cloud Recording” action. Please refer to the screenshot for the setup. Be careful with how you enter the storage vendor information, as Agora has specific values for regions and vendors. For example, Vendor 1 corresponds to AWS S3. Take a look at this list for vendors and regions. The directory fields refer to the folders where the files will be uploaded.
  5. Save Resource ID: Finally, we save the Resource ID generated by action 3 and the RID generated by the “Start Recording” action (see screenshot).

For stopping the recording:

  1. There’s only one action: “Stop Individual Cloud Recording.” Here’s a screenshot of how we set it up. You’ll need to provide the App ID again, along with the SID, Resource ID, room name, and UID that we previously saved.

If you’re using streaming mode, make sure to select “Stream” as the mode in the “Generate Recording Token” action and provide the App ID for the streaming project you created in Agora for all actions that require it.

A couple of additional important notes:

  • The token in the “Start Recording” action must be in quotes :exclamation:
  • Both projects need to have the Primary Certificate enabled, as shown in this screenshot, for the recording features to work correctly :exclamation:

Let me know if you have any other questions after making these changes. I hope the information above helps you resolve this behavior :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

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Hi @mateus.zuliani,

Hope you’re doing well :hugs:

I just wanted to check in and see if the information I provided earlier was helpful in resolving the behavior you reported. Whenever you have a free moment, I’d appreciate your feedback - I’d be happy to assist further if needed!

Best regards :hibiscus:

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