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Need help with Algolia Filter Setup

@stephane.kattie, thank you for your patience.

There are no limitations on the number of attributes, added to the Filters field. You can set as many filters, as you need. Please take a look at this documentation:

Indeed, you had problems with displaying the result of the filtering because of your syntax.

You have indicated the condition, that if statement A (Product Display…BrandFilter) AND statement B (Product Display…VariantFilter) are true, then display the result.

When you add the third statement С (Product Display…TypeFilter), with the AND operator between them, you limit the search action to another condition, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of output.

Your current syntax is (a) AND (b) AND ( c). Can you please try to change it to (a AND b AND c)/(a AND b OR c)?

I hope it helps.

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This is exactly what I needed! Thanks a ton, @kate :smiley:

Changing it to (a AND b AND c) instead of ( a ) AND ( b ) AND ( c ) worked :raised_hands:t5:


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this mean like this?
Can i do this with a filter?

input “iphone”
Get search results of “iphone”(100 items)
fillter under $500
show items under $500 (30 items)

input “iphone”
Get search results of “iphone”(100 items)
fillter from $1000 to $500
show items from $1000 to $500 (10 items)

@takanasale3, hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Please find an answer on your question in this thread:
What exactly can the Algolia search filter do? - Plugins - Zeroqode Forum

My colleague Ecaterina has replied there.
Hope it helps!

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