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❗ New Course! Building a Chrome Extension on Bubble

Hey Zeroqoders! :wink:

Almost every Google Chrome user adds several extensions to this browser.
But did you know that you can develop Google Chrome extensions on Bubble? O_o

In this course, you will learn how to create an extension that interacts with a web platform (Twitter in our case) and significantly expand your web development skills!

More info about the course is here: Building a Chrome Extension on Bubble | Zeroqode Lab

Best regards,

Veronica Kornilova
Marketing Manager @ Zeroqode
#1 Bubble Publisher and Developer


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Hi Zeroqoders!

You wondered if we plan to launch a new course on how to migrate to Chrome Manifest V3 from Chrome Manifest V2. We did it - see Lesson 5 of our “Building a Chrome Extension on Bubble” course explaining how to make it :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,

Veronica Kornilova
Marketing Manager @ Zeroqode
#1 Bubble Publisher and Developer
:file_folder: 150+ Bubble Templates
:mortar_board: 35+ Bubble Courses
:gear: 300+ Bubble Plugins
:iphone: Convert Bubble app to iOS & Android
:man_technologist:t4: No-code Development Services

Hey there! :blush:

That’s awesome! Developing Chrome extensions on Bubble sounds like a fantastic way to expand web development skills. I’m excited to check out the course and see how we can create an extension that interacts with platforms like Twitter. Thanks for sharing this!

Best regards,

Hi @jasminpatel,

I would like to inform you that our templates and Lab Courses have been acquired by the RapidDev team, who are now responsible for supporting them.

You can find all the courses here: Courses | RapidDev Labs

Building a Chrome Extension on Bubble

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding a specific template or Lab Course we kindly request you to reach out to their dedicated support team at

They will be more than happy to assist you further. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have any plugin-related questions. :pray:

Best regards,