Services Plugins FAQs

One-page app with Bubble

So i want to make a one page app with Bubble so i can wrap it into a mobile app, because i saw that when you use pages the app can crash etc.

Does anybody have any experience with one page apps? I know that i have use groups to show things and hide things. But i really do not know where to begin an what the logic behind this is. How does it work? And will it also work fine when you visit the app (as a website)via the internet if it is a one page web app?

Hi @samedgurses46,

Thanks for reaching out. If you want to build an SPA (Single Page Application), it is certainly possible with Bubble. You just need to master the art of showing/hiding elements and passing data to your elements to actually make things work smoothly.

As an example, our Jobly template is SPA-based app - - just log in and go to dashboard to test it out.

You can find more help here - and here on this matter.

Hope it helps.
