Services Plugins FAQs

Paint & Signature Pad Plugin for Bubble


I bought the plugin and just tried it a bit. I have a few questions that I want to ask and may be also some suggestion to see if it can be addressed:

  1. is there a way to select the size of paint brush by a slider? Or a number dropdown?
  2. can the eraser size be different than the paint brush size? And also use slider or dropdown?
  3. Is there a way to import the image as a separate layer? So, I can make things on the image, erase my annotations without erasing part of the picture itself?
  4. Is there a way to compress the picture uploaded or saved?

This is a good quality plugin. The paint brush flows better than other plugins. But without the layer, it handicaps the use of the plugin.



Hello, @gradylam!

Thanks for your interest in our products and for your questions. Let me answer all of them:

Unfortunately, no, because the feature of size selecting of the paintbrush is built-in, and there is only one way to choose it - with a “horizontal dropdown”.

Yes, you can choose the eraser size and the paintbrush size as well using a “horizontal dropdown”. You can draw with a paintbrush of a small size and then select an eraser of a bigger size. But this plugin doesn’t have a way to choose these sizes other than existing already.

You can import an image, but it will be the same layer as you draw the rest of the picture. And when you start to erase your sketch, there will be erased and imported file.

Unfortunately. this plugin doesn’t have built-in file compression.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, our team is always ready to help :slight_smile:
