Services Plugins FAQs

Payment Intent Endpoint - Apple/Google Payment

For the Apple Pay/Google Pay Plug-In, what do we add for the end for the payment intent endpoint?

I know that we are supposed to add the “Workflow API root URL” at the beginning, but then it says to add your “endpoint name” at the end of it.

I don’t understand this. Where can I find my endpoint name that I need to add to the end of the URL?

Thank you for your help!!

Hello @intrascopellc,
Thank you for contacting us.

We have also received your request via our email, where we answered your question about the Apple & Google Pay plugin and requested more details about your use case.

In case after following the plugin documentation you were able to successfully integrate the plugin into your Bubble app, please let us know. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to ask them on the forum or via our mail.

Best Regards,