Services Plugins FAQs

PDF converter Plugin problem

Hi there,I’m trying to use the Bubble Page to PDF converter Plugin to convert an element. Element contains the parent group group and sub groups but after running the workflow plugin converts only the parent group as blank page.

COO is ID for the parent group in the actual out put, Which is only converted into pdf as a blank page

Hello, @parag!

Thanks for reaching out!

Please allow us to analyze your settings and discuss them internally.
We’ll revert with a reply asap.


Hello, @parag!

Thanks for your patience!

We reproduced your use case, using an ID that is applied to RG (Repeating Group). But the content was converted as should, namely, the output file was not empty, it contained this RG. In your case, please allow us to recommend looking over the Demo editor carefully to better understand the plugin logic and all the workflows that are related to the plugin actions, namely these:

Please check out all the workflow chains in our demo editor and try to customize your app once again. Let us know if you achieve the desired result. :pray:

Take care!

Tried the same steps, the plugin is still throwing the error. Can we connect one on one to solve error fast.

Hello, @parag!

Sorry to hear that you still have some difficulties with the configuration of the plugin :slightly_frowning_face:

Currently, the support team provides help via the Forum, email (, or Intercom only.

Let us try to clarify all the steps with a video recording, perhaps it will be more clear.

Hope this will help

We have received following error


Please make sure you have indicated the element ID in the plugin’s action ID field; or that you have indicated the ID of the ignored element which is actually existing on the page.

Hope it helps!

Adding mayur to thread to take this forward

@parag ,

Please let us know if you still face any troubles with the plugin so we can try to help you find a solution or provide any feedback.


Tried the same steps. Following is the element trying to create a pdf with ID Attribuite “coo”

This is the workflow

After completing the workflow and tried to download the pdf but still getting the error

Could you please look in to this
Thank you

Hey Kate,
Mayur is my colleague, adding him thread. Can you please answer his questions?

@parag , @gayakwadmayur9999 , please accept my apologies for the late reply :pray:

Can you please provide access to your app to let me test the plugin work? I need the edit rights (for the test page) and information on which page you are using the plugin.

I’ll do my best to help resolve this issue :slightly_smiling_face:

@kate Could you please share your email id so that I could give the
edit rights.

@gayakwadmayur9999 ,

Sure thing. It’s our official support email - Please also indicate the page where the plugin is used and the steps to trigger the printing action.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Hey @kate
I have invited you to edit the app “Tradeflo001”
We are using the plugin on the page “certificate_of_origin”. On the page there are two download buttons one in Red and other one green.

Case 1(Red): With the red button we want to download the single element with the group name “COO_Preview”. When tried to download it shows the error message as mentioned above in the thread.

Case 2(Green): With the green button we want to download the single element with group name “Preview”. When we tried it downloaded the blankpage .

So could you please look in to this .
Thank you.

@gayakwadmayur9999, thanks for the access to your app and sorry for the late reply. :pray:

It is happening because the group you want to convert (coo ID) is placed on the group, that becomes visible after you click on the “eye” icon. I mean, if you have not showed the element you want to convert on the page - the plugin can’t convert it. If you click the “eye” icon and then red icon - the plugin will not throw any errors and return a PDF file.

The same situation is here. To get the proper PDF file, you need first to click the “eye” icon and then the green icon. This is your current setup that makes the plugin work this way.

I’d like to recommend you show red and green icons only when the group preview is visible to let the plugin “see” what element should be converted and stay away from errors throwing :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope it helps!