Services Plugins FAQs

PDF Converter with Rich Text Editor Issue


I am trying to convert the text in the ZQ Rich Text Editor to a PDF. While I got it to work, that formatting isn’t quite right. Below is a screenshot:

The lower left image is the PDF with dummy text; as you can see it has parts of the RTE in the PDF; Normal, Normal, L-Height, and Arial. Is this a bug? If this is not a bug, is there a way to exclude these RTE elements?

Also, in a semi-unrelated question; do you plan on creating a plug-in that converts to a Word file format?


Hello, @hofst038. Thanks for reaching out.

Your request is under the investigation process. When I have anything to update you with regarding your issue, I will notify you asap.

Thank you for understanding :pray:


Can you please add our support email as a collaborator of your app? It would be much better to investigate your issue within your application. Please add this email -

Thanks :pray:

Unfortunately, my plan does not allow that. I have no problem jumping on a call to show someone.



You still can add our support email as a collaborator, even if your plan does not allow this.
Can you identify what exact plugins versions/names you are using? Please do screenshots of each plugin, within the Plugin page of your app.


I have added as a collaborator.


@hofst038, hello again.

So sorry for the delayed reply :pray:
And thanks for adding us as a collaborator. It eased the searching for the issue a lot.

The root issue lies in the collaboration between ZQ RTE 2.0 and PDF converter plugins. Specifically, the more settings you have within the Text editor, the higher probability that the PDF convertor will drop some errors.

As a walkaround in this situation, you can try to use different Text Editor (for example, rich text input). I agree, this will affect the design on your app, but guarantees that the RTE element will be converted into PDF with no issue.

We left your app without any changes, in the same condition it was provided to us. Could you please try to convert into the PDF the RTE element, but using its another variant? That should work.

Apologies for such inconvenience.

No worries, I understand these are busy times. Thanks for the work around, Ill check it out.

This can’t be normal behavior though, I would imagine this is a bug? I understand you probably have a backlog of things to get to and this isn’t high priority so I’ll see how the work around works.

Additionally, are there plans to come out with a plug in that converts HTML to a docx (Word) file format?