Services Plugins FAQs

PDF plugin triggers Leave Site? browser dialog

Hi Zeroqode team,

I am currently on 1.1140 of the PDF plugin because it is the last stable version for me. I’ve tried to update to the latest version, but end up rolling back because the latest version triggers the “Leave Site” browser dialog (which is confusing to our users). Is there a new setting that I am not configuring correctly? Are others having this issue?

Please let me know how I might update to the latest version without triggering the Leave Site dialog.

Thank you!

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Hello Dan,

Thanks for letting us know about the pop-up with the “Leave site” message. This seems to be a minor issue related to Bubble which was noticed occurring occasionally with the Page to PDF plugin. We’re currently developing a new plugin version that rewrites a function which should address this. I’ll keep you updated on its release.

In the meantime, could you confirm if you’ve added a pause action after the “Generate PDF” action? If so, could you please remove it and then try using the latest plugin version to see if the pop-up will still appear? If a pause is still necessary, consider placing it after the first action following the PDF generation.

Thank you once again, and have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Best regards,

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for the prompt and helpful reply! I am, indeed, using a 6 second pause after the event. I’m doing so in order to give the PDF time to download. I tried removing the pause and updating the plugin to the latest version, and I am still receiving the popup. I’ve reverted my workflow (see attached) and the plugin version back to the original state.

I’ll keep an eye out for the new fix to the plugin.

Thank you and have a nice weekend!

Hello @dan6,

Thank you for your message, and I apologize for the delayed response over the weekend.

I appreciate your efforts to remove the pause after the action, which in some cases has helped with the appearing pop-up. We’re currently working on the next version and will keep you updated on it’s release, once it’s ready, we’ll monitor together to ensure the pop-up doesn’t reappear.

Thanks again, and I hope you have a great week ahead.

Best regards,

No problem, thank you for the update.

I’ll keep an eye out for the modified release.

Have a great week!

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Hello @dan6,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to follow up on my previous communication. After further review, it appears that the “Leave site” warning pop-up was resolved in prior releases. The confusion may have arisen because the current release addresses a different, yet similar plugin. I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. :pray:

To better understand why you are still experiencing this pop-up with the latest 1.24.0 version, could it be possible for you to add our Support Team’s email to your application’s list of collaborators and share the app’s link with us? This would enable us to examine it and diagnose the problem more accurately.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, please navigate to Settings > Collaboration > Add email in the Bubble Editor and enter

Additionally, could you please provide instructions on how to replicate the issue, the name of the page where the plugin element is located, and any workflows related to generating the PDF? It would be helpful to know where to click and if any test user credentials are needed to log in for troubleshooting. If feasible, attaching a short Loom video (a screencast recording) as a guide would be greatly appreciated.

Your cooperation will greatly assist us in resolving any potential issues.

Thank you once again for your attention, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Happy Friday Stefan. Sorry about the delay. I’ll get your support team added as a collaborator today.

Hello Stefan,

Here’s the link to the video: How to Access the PDF Plugin Functionality | Loom

I have included instructions for accessing and logging into the app on our staging server - see the notes section in the video. Please let me know if you have any issues gaining the proper access to assess and troubleshoot the issue.

Thank you!

Hello @dan6,

Thank you for your message and for providing all the details.

I followed the steps you outlined in the video and also observed the pop-up appearing with the latest version of the Page to PDF plugin. I have forwarded all the necessary information to our development team for further analysis and resolution on this matter. I will keep you updated as soon as we have more information.

If you have any other questions in the meantime, please let us know. :pray:

Thank you once again for your cooperation. Have a great weekend!

Best regards,

Thank you for the prompt response Stefan. I look forward to hearing from you when the development team has more information.

Have a great weekend!

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Stay on the older version: If 1.1140 works well for you, then you can hold off on updating for now. The forum post indicates the developers are aware of the issue and are working on a fix [1].
Try removing the pause: The forum post suggests that a pause added after the “Generate PDF” action might be causing the issue. Try removing the pause and see if the dialog persists [1].

Thanks all. I will stay on version 1.114.0 for now. I have tried removing the pause and continued to have the problem with the latest version. I will hold out on updating until a proper fix has been implemented.


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Hello @dan6,

I hope this message finds you well.

I’m reaching out to inform you about the latest update, version 1.126.0, for the Page to PDF plugin. Where we’ve introduced some new features and rewritten a function aimed at resolving the issue with the “Leave page” pop-up you were experiencing.

Could you please update your app to the latest version of the plugin, test it out, and let me know if everything is functioning correctly on your end? Additionally, if you have any other questions or suggestions, please let us know. :pray:

Thank you once again for your patience and collaboration.

I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

Happy Friday Stefan,

Just tested the latest version of the plugin and a big lgtm on my side! I’ll push it into production today. Thank you for your persistence and the teams rapid turnaround on this request.

Have a great weekend!

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Hey @dan6,

Thank you so much for your feedback!

I’m glad to hear that the problem with the pop-up has been resolved on your side. Please don’t hesitate to let us know when you’ll have any other questions or inquiries. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :hugs:

If you’re enjoying the plugin, we would truly appreciate it if you could take a moment to rate it. Just head over to the Plugins tab in the Bubble editor, search for our plugin by name, and leave us the stars you think we deserve. Your support means a lot for us! :pray:

Thanks again and have a fantastic weekend!

Best regards,