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Plugin: Dynamic Height & Width missing dynamic ID

Ironically the plugin is missing a dynamic ID field.

In my case to define different height values for elements in different RG items with the ID based on INDEX.

Example: Roamio: Location-based audio stories anywhere

Currently using other plugin, but would like to change to this one.

Up for modifying this?

Hello @siticum ,
Thank you for contacting us.

Upon testing the plugin on our end, we didn’t experience the issue you mentioned. To better assist you, could you please provide us with the following:

-Screenshots/Video of the issue
-Any additional details you believe are important for us to replicate and understand your use-case.

Thank you for your undertanding and cooperation.
Looking forward to your response.


The ID field does now allow for dynamic expressions.

Usecase: I want to add ID “name[index]” where [index] is the repeating group’s index. That way I can generate unique height values for in each RG cell’s object using Calculate > Random string.

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Hello @siticum ,
Thank you for providind additional informaiton.

I apologize for misunderstanding your question.
I have passed this information to the development team, they will check it and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Hello @siticum ,
Thank you for your patience.

I’m excited to share that we have effectively resolved the issue with the Dynamic Height & Width and have updated it to version 1.22.0

Could you kindly update the plugin within your app to this latest version and confirm whether everything is now operating smoothly? :blush:

Feel free to explore the plugin’s functionality on our demo page.

Your patience and cooperation throughout this process have been greatly appreciated.


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Hi Anton,

Amazing and thanks!

Its working smoothly: See track bar for sound playback on landing page at Roamio: Location-based audio stories anywhere

Hello @siticum ,

This looks great.
I’m glad that thanks to our plugin and your efforts you were able to achieve this result :partying_face:

You can rate and review it in the ‘Plugins’ tab of your application. Your input helps us improve and serve you better.

Also, if you could spare a few minutes to review us on Trustpilot, sharing your overall experience with Zeroqode, it would mean a lot to us. Zeroqode Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of

Thank you!

Best regards,

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Done and done :+1:
