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Postmark sending from version-test, but not production

Email is not my thing, but, with the recent issues Bubble had with Sendgrid, I looked for alternatives. I had no issues getting Postmark setup, tested, and it works in my version-test site. When I publish to production it does not work. Thoughts on what might be preventing the Rich Postmark plugin from working?

I did create a logging table similar to what you had in your sample app. I have four (-1) errors with nothing else. I have clicked on the ‘send email’ button more times than that, but the app just hangs in production.


Update: I believe I found the issue, and that’s I was not using the Postmark signature email address when sending. That brought me to a different situation. The formatting of the email is not what I would expect from the HTML Body I created (everything is scrunched to a contiguous line).

Also, I’m not sure if I should be putting the same/relevant information into the “text body” part of the plug-in. Thank you in advance.

Hello @curt.rice1,
Thank you for reaching out and for using our plugin. :slightly_smiling_face:

Update: I believe I found the issue, and that’s I was not using the Postmark signature email address when sending. That brought me to a different situation.

It’s great to hear that you’ve identified the issue with using the Postmark signature email address.

The formatting of the email is not what I would expect from the HTML Body

Typically, you should put your formatted HTML content in the “HTML Body” section of the plugin for example: an Email body with HTML tags Hello <img src=“cid:image.jpg”/> |. The “Text Body” section is used for a plain text version of the email, which is useful for email clients that do not support HTML or for accessibility reasons. You do not need to include the same content in both fields unless you want to provide a plain-text alternative.

I created (everything is scrunched to a contiguous line)

Regarding this formatting issue, I suggest that you include in your HTML body, line breaks (<br>) and paragraph (<p>) tags to ensure that the content is displayed with the intended formatting.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, let us know if there are any other plugin-related questions.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

This all makes sense, thank you

Hello @curt.rice1 ,
The pleasure is mine, glad to be helpful.

If the plugin is now functioning well and you don’t have any other issues, we would be grateful if you could take a moment to share your experience with Zeroqode at: Review.

Alternatively, you can leave a review by going to the Plugins tab in the Bubble editor and giving it as many stars as it deserves.

Your feedback would make our day at the Support team and motivate us to continue developing outstanding products and maintaining excellent customer service. :blush:

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Have a nice day! :sunny: