Services Plugins FAQs

Privacy for videos uploaded via cam capture

Hi, Im using the cam capture plugin to upload videos which my users will be uploading. but there is no option to keep the files or the URLs hidden. So on the admin end of the dashboard, whenever i see the video, i can right click and copy the video URL and literally paste it on any other browser and the video runs.
I have applied all the necessary privacy rules but they are limited to within the domain of the app. If someone simply copies the URL and pastes it somewhere else the video is accessible. How do i ensure nobody can do that outside the app and how can i make those uploaded videos private

Hello @m.salmank93 ,
Thank you for reaching out and for your purchase. :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding your query about secure video storage and access control, here’s what you can do to ensure privacy and security within your app:

  1. Secure Storage Service: Store your videos in a secure storage service that supports access controls, such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or similar services. These platforms allow you to set permissions and generate signed URLs that expire after a certain period. We suggest using our AWS Plugin for this purpose.
  2. Access Controls: Make sure your app has proper access controls in place. Ensure that only authorized users (e.g., admins) can view and interact with the video content. Review and update your privacy rules and permissions to restrict access appropriately.

It appears that this issue relates to how privacy and security settings are configured within your app. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can directly do to alter these settings for you. However, implementing the suggestions above should help you secure your video content effectively.

I hope you have found this information helpful, let me know if you have any other plugin related questions.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Okay. but lets say i want to delete a user. How do i delete the video that user uploaded from my database?

Hello @m.salmank93 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

We are currently looking into your question and will respond to you as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Stay safe.

Hello @m.salmank93 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay. but lets say i want to delete a user. How do i delete the video that user uploaded from my database?

Kindly note that since this question is related to the way Bubble operates and it’s not directly related to how our plugin works we can offer you some general suggestions.

You could try to set the Video data type that stores video information with a field uploader that links to the User Workflow should be something like:

  1. Trigger Event (e.g., button click)
  2. Search for Videos: Search for Video's uploader = Current User
  3. Delete Videos: Delete a list of things (Search for video’s result)
  4. Delete User: Delete a thing (Current User)

I hope you have found this information helpful, let us know if you have any other plugin-related questions.
Have a nice day! :sunny: