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Product Hunt Template Designer Job

We are the first ticketing company that takes money from Scalpers to provide Fans income.

I am both notorius and extreme. Most find reading “The Man Who Broke Ticketmaster” by Vice Mage Motherboard.

In this case we will be disrupting Scalpers by giving away all their secrets, tricks, pre-sales, passwords, intel etc. Free to all Fans of the world.

The PD Template was choosen because we need the following features in our MVP:

New Registration

Basic Social Interaction - I need help knowing what that means.

Ability to select topics (artists, teams, venues etc) they want us to send them ticketing advaantages on.

While any Fan could opt to see all pre-sale password dates and all the thousands of ticketing opportunities happening every week. Most only care to know about their preferered topics.

I would like to keep to the spirit of an MVP but also know my expertise is tickets and fan psychology. Not making tech.


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