Services Plugins FAQs

Progressbar pro console errors (SOLVED)

I was seeing some looping errors so i have unsubscribed for now. I dont understand exactly what they mean but after i unsubscribed these messages were gone."Element_"+Math.floor(1E5*Math.random()+1);(new MutationObserver(function(d){d.forEach(function(a){var c=$("#nprogress > .bar:first").css("transform");a=$(window).width();c?(c=c.match(/-?[\d\.]+/g),a=(a+parseInt(c[4]))/a*100,a=parseFloat(Math.round(100*a)/100).toFixed(2),b.publishState("percent_loaded",a),b.publishState("is_loading",!0)):(b.publishState("is_loading",!1),"percent_loaded",0))})})).observe(document.documentElement,


Hi there, we have fixed this, if you install it again at the latest version this should be solved, thanks!

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Thanks for fixing Levon!

Hi @hfhfhfhhfh Thanks for the feedback!
If you like our plugin, could you rate it by going to Plugins tab in Bubble editor? Find the plugin by name and give it as many stars as it deserves :slight_smile: The more feedback we get, the more motivated we are to make things better in Bubble.
Kind regards,