Services Plugins FAQs

Questions about sliding menu plugin

Hi, I’m looking to implement a sliding menu on my app and this looks perfect. However, looking at the demo editor it seems that all the icons will be the same colour - is this correct? The existing icons on my existing side menu are all different colours, for a reason, and so I’d like to keep those.

One other question: on the demo page for the plugin, there are some flowing icons on the right (see below) but I can’t see those in the editor at all?

Thank you

Hello @debbie ,
Thank you for reaching out and for the interest manifested towards our plugin.

However, looking at the demo editor it seems that all the icons will be the same colour - is this correct?

Yes this is correct, unfortunately, at the moment the icon color field responsible for adjusting colors set the same one for all added icons.

One other question: on the demo page for the plugin, there are some flowing icons on the right (see below) but I can’t see those in the editor at all?

To add the flowing icons you would need to follow the steps from our Documentation additionally, you can use our Demo Editor DB setup for reference.

I hope you have found this info helpful, let us know if you have any other additional questions.
Have a nice weekend! :sunny: