Hello all,
Got the Quickbooks plugin. But hit a wall with authorization.
So far…
- Set up domains and redirects
- Selected my app for authorization code
- Set my scopes
- Got my tokens and put them in the plugin settings
I’m currently on the part where I need to create a data type for the refresh token. I created a data type called “Quickbooks Token.” I named it “Old Refresh Token” and set the type to “text.” Then I created an entry using the refresh token from Quickbooks.
This is where I’ve run into some issues.
In the example, the next selection would be “refresh_token” but I don’t see that as an option and I’m not sure where you guys are pulling that from.
I’m also struggling with the set state.
I’m not sure I set up the left side correctly but it seems happy.
For the right side, the error message is “Set state: Value should be a Quickbooks Token but right now it is a GET NEW ACCESS TOKEN (QB Pro).”
Any ideas on how to fix these issues? I’ve been working on this for a while, and I’m still struggling. I’m non-technical, if that wasn’t obvious haha
Thanks in advance.