Services Plugins FAQs

Radar Chart bugs

Hello. Need some help on the following issues:

  1. My radar chart works fine but when i hover over the data points, the tooltip is usually out of frame and only for the datapoints closer to the bottom show up. the others are often way above the parameter of the chart itself. is there any fix to this?
  2. Can we change the color and font of the numbers and labels inside the chart? i see no option
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Hello @m.salmank93, :wave:

Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply, our team is handling a high volume of tasks at the moment. :pray:

Do I understand correctly that you are using the Air Chart Pro plugin?

  1. Regarding your radar chart’s tooltip issue, could you please record a short Loom video or provide some screenshots to describe the issue? This would help us in identifying and fixing the problem.

  2. As for customizing the color and font of the numbers and labels inside the chart, the Air Chart Pro plugin does offer various customization options. Do you mean if it is possible to change the color of the white numbers inside or did you mean something else?

Thank you for your cooperation!

Best regards,

Hello @m.salmank93, :wave:

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to follow up and see if the suggestion I offered was helpful to you. Please let me know if you still need help when you have a moment. :pray:

Best regards,