Services Plugins FAQs

RE: DocuSign Extended Plugin Integration

Hi. I am trying to build an app that collects customer information via a simple form and saves it on the Bubble db. Then, that customer information must be populated into the corresponding fields for that information on a DocuSign PDF. For example; if a customer inputs and saves their name, address, phone number, residency status, citizenship country, etc.; that data must be input into a preexisting PDF template. Once the information has been input, the app then needs to have the ability to send the PDF to various entities (to sign different signature lines of the PDF).

It does not seem possible to do this with the Extended Version of the Zeroqode DocuSign Plug-in. Am I missing something? Or is the only functionality of the plugin to sign as a single entity? The plug in does not appear to support data field population.

Hi @greg2, thank you for your message, and thanks for using our plugin.

As per the Demo page setup there is the possibility to send the PDF document to be signed only to one receiver.
I will check with our Developers team regarding your use case of the plugin and forward the document to multiple addresses for sign-up.

Thank you for your patience.
Have a good day!

Hi again @greg2

The plugin can be used to send the PDF document to multiple receivers. This can be done by modifying the JSON body code when setting the plugin on your side.

Let me know if you sorted it out :slightly_smiling_face: