Services Plugins FAQs

Recommended Bubble Courses & Freelance Developers

Hi community,

Any recommendations for bubble courses (level: intermediate-experienced) or bubble developers (up to 30 Euro/h) that could support a few times per week with my bubble project?

Ideally, I would have 1-2 calls/week to discuss open questions + work on some features on my project.

Thanks in advance! Any resources or developer recommendations are appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @noedo,

Thanks for reaching out. We do have an online platform with Bubble courses that you can check here. It consists of a variety of courses with different levels of expertise you can choose from.

Regarding development help, we can hop on to work on your project, but our pricing is $95 per hour and we work on a minimum of 50 dev hours, in order to deliver a meaningful MVP that both us and our clients can be proud of.

Let me know if you are interested, so I can share more insights about our development services.
