Hello, I am using the Barchart feature in the airchartpro 182 premium charts plugin. So far, I haven’t gotten it to work in weeks. I have just upgraded to version 1.39.0 but the issue existed on the previous version too.
My latest issue is the following error being thrown:
If I place an empty bar chart in my app, the errors refer to incomplete categories (series 1 name not set, for example). However, when I fill those required areas in, I see the attached error.
I am attempting to set my chart series name, data, and categories from custom states. here is a screenshot of my queries:
I have confirmed that the values are being read in the inspect window:
For what it’s worth, The error is thrown on page load. The custom states are populated based on a dropdown interaction, but to rule out the empty initial state, I did try to set a default value, but the same outcome occurred.