Services Plugins FAQs

Reviewly Template Users have access to admin panel


I searched the forums before posting and couldn’t find the exact solution to this issue. I’ve noticed that the ‘admin dashboard’ seems to be available to all users when they log in to the system, so they can access all user and classes data, and edit and delete it. How exactly do I restrict users from having access to this page? If I delete the admin button, how do admin gain access to the page?

Also, when pictures are uploaded, they tend to zoom in. Is there a fix for this?


I was able to resolve the admin issue but am still, lost on the picture. Please advise.


Hi, @iracrayton.
Please accept my apologies for the late reply :pray:

You can set the visibility conditions to the button “Dashboard” and add the event “when the dashboard page is loaded” with the condition “Only when current user’s admin is yes”.

Currently, the group element (with the background type: image) is used on the biz page for displaying the list of uploaded biz images. You can try to use the image element instead of the current setup and choose on your own the way to display the image:

Also, you can simply add additional functionality to the current setup - add event “when image is clicked” - show popup with the full-size image.

I hope these insights will be useful for you.
Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

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