Services Plugins FAQs

S3 upload error message help

I am having a bit of difficulty with UI/UX of this plugin

  1. The error message is shown only when user hovers over the file. Is there a way to show it under the file once upload is completed?

  2. There is a big times (x) icon over the uploaded file, it looks as though user can click on it cancel the upload but nothing happens. Is there a way to remove that icon as there is Remove file link at the bottom?

Hello, @satish.sreenivasan
Thanks for the question.

Please note that these messages should be visible only on hovering :pray:
Such error displaying is prescribed in the plugin code.

Unfortunately, this icon is also created in the plugin’s code, so there is no possibility to remove the “X” from the image.

I will forward your suggestion about removing the “X” and a pop-up message to our developer team.
We need to see how feasible it will be for us.

Thanks for your understanding :slightly_smiling_face:
Best regards,

@Ecaterina I have figured out a way to make it work and it is great. We can leave it without a change.
Thanks for the great support. Closing the ticket

Hello, @satish.sreenivasan
Happy to hear it :slightly_smiling_face:

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Best regards,