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Saving Image URL with Image Compressor and Uploader Plugin

Dear Support Team,

I’m encountering an issue with the Image Compressor and Uploader plugin in Bubble, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

**Problem.**I’m unable to save the URL of my image stored in Bubble when using this plugin.

What works:

  1. Image compression works successfully.
  2. Saving to Bubble storage and database functions properly.
  3. I can obtain and display the compressed image URL in an Input field.

Comparison. This URL-saving feature works when I use the PictureUploader plugin.

Specific Issue. Despite being able to compress, store, and display the image, I cannot save its Bubble-stored URL.

Request. Could you please provide guidance on how to save the Bubble-stored image URL after successful upload and compression using the Image Compressor and Uploader plugin?

Thank you for your time and support.

Best regards,

Hi @elena1,

I’ve sent you an email in response to your message! Let’s keep our communication there to avoid any confusion :pray:

To provide more information, when you save the File URL in the database, the plugin hasn’t finished uploading the image yet. Please ensure that you use the “Image uploaded” or “Done multiple uploads” events that trigger when the files are uploaded correctly. You can add a “Create a new thing” action inside this element!

Best regards :sunflower:

It works! :sun_with_face:
Perhaps it is something you may add on a tutorial.
Thank you, Dorel :ok_hand:

Hi Dorel,

Quick question: Our image compression works fine on desktop (converting to WebP), but on mobile, it’s compressing to PNG instead of WebP. Any ideas why this might be happening or how to fix it?


Hi @elena1,

Thanks a lot for your feedback and my apologies for the delayed reply over the weekend :pray:

We’ve added this setup to the demo page of the plugin. However, I’ll look into adding a more comprehensive How to Set Up section. If you encounter any such behaviors or need assistance with our plugins, feel free to reach out to us here on the forum or via email at It’s always our pleasure to assist :hugs:

As for the behavior with converting formats on iOS devices, I’ll check with the developers and provide you with more accurate information as soon as possible!

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @elena1,

I wanted to inform you that we’ve updated our plugin documentation with more detailed instructions on how to set up the plugin. Please tell me what you think about it :pray:

Regarding the conversion to WEBP on iOS devices, the developers have investigated this behavior and concluded that iOS doesn’t allow client-side conversion to WEBP images. As a result, the images are converted to PNG as a fallback when uploading from iOS devices. Additionally, the conversion to WEBP on Safari, macOS was also not possible due to the browser limitation! Tested on Chrome, Brave and Firefox browser on MacOS and the conversion of any images was possible to WEBP.

We’ll add these details to the documentation as soon as possible!

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

I am having trouble saving the link to the compressed media file.
Process: A User uploads an image, and the image is compressed and saved to the file manager in bubble. I am then creating a media_manager thing with the link to the file. I need the link so I can find media files that are unused and remove them at a later date.
When the workflow runs the inspector says it is saving the link to the “link” field in the media manager but I can’t get it actually to enter into the database. The field is set to text to match the uploaded image URL is set.
What am I missing?

Hi @MikeA ,

Thanks for reaching out!

Based on your description, it looks like everything is set up correctly. However, one common issue with workflows like this is that the image compression process may not be fully completed before you try to create the new thing in the database.

Try adding a short delay between the image compression step and the “Create a new media file” action. This will ensure that the image has fully been processed and the link is available before you save it to the database.

You can add a “Pause” action in Bubble to give the compression a little time to finish before proceeding with the workflow. A small delay (around 1-2 seconds) should work in most cases.

Let me know how it goes, and if the issue persists, feel free to share more details!

Best regards,
Support Team
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