Services Plugins FAQs

Scrolling Position Detector Exact Row Trigger

Hi All,
I have a Repeating Group where I installed the plugin successfully.
This Repeating Group is a feed (with Posts) to a social media app which means it is continuously increasing with new entries.
On page load is loaded the first 2 rows (Posts). When someone scrolls from the second Post it should load the next one (trigger worklfow count+1).
I am not sure (with perecentage threshold) how to make sure that always after the second Post the workflow will be triggered (when the number of entries in Post db continuously growing).

Kind Regards,

Hello @alexandermooreint,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Currently, you can only input percentages when the workflow is triggered. Unfortunately, I cannot suggest a bulletproof idea on how to set it up according to your use case. Please accept my apologies :pray:

Wishing you a great Monday :hugs: