Am using the Group → Mobile Menu/Sheet plugin and have noticed that if, for example, I have a searchbox within the bottomsheet, then the list of results no longer show up. At best I get a partial result, which if tabbed/tapped out of will leave partially filled, and therefore only way to get an address from a geographic based searchbox is to enter the address fully.
This has not always been the case as have used it for a long time in another app and it functioned as expected (although this app now also suffers the same).
I have tested this on a test page with a search in Floating groups, popups and on the page itself, and in all instances the searchbox results list shows up correctly. Only when the searchbox is contained within a bottomsheet does it fail to do so.
Would be grateful if this can be looked into and, hopefully, resolved as is a crucial part of several apps that I have running.