Services Plugins FAQs

Sentry Demo Editor Link Broken

Hey! Can someone provide the proper link to the sentry demo? or provide some instructions on implementation.

Hi @davidscott.pal,
Thank you for your message.

Here you can find the link to the Sentry Plugin demo page: sentry-demo | Bubble Editor

We will update the URL on our webpage, thanks for notifying it. :pray:

If you have other product-related questions, please let us know.
All the best, slightly_smiling_face:

When I go to this page it says I don’t have permission to view the doc and sends me back to bubble homepage.

Hi @davidscott.pal,
Thank you for your prompt reply and sorry for these inconveniences.

The Demo editor page is now available publicly.

Please find it here: sentry-demo | Bubble Editor
Live Demo page:

If you have other plugin-related questions, feel free to reach out.
Regards, :pray: