Services Plugins FAQs

Slack Extended API Plugin


I’ve been playing about with this plugin and it’s great!

I’d like to add some more API calls on to this such as getting the user’s current team name and posting interactive components in messages.

Am I able to extend this plugin myself with these extra calls, or are there any plans to add more features to the official version?

Thanks! James.

Hi James,
send us the list of calls that you require and we’ll try to add those

Hey Levon,

That would be awesome!

The main two I’m after are…




Also, is there any way for me to access the current user’s token to use in other calls? Thanks!

We’ll try to add the calls and update when it’s done.
i don’t think you can access current user’s token for security reasons

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@james we’ve just published an update with these 2 calls
please refresh the editor window, install the latest version, refresh again and give it a try :slight_smile:

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This is incredible, thanks so much. Can’t wait to give it a try! :100:

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