Services Plugins FAQs

Splash Loading Plugin vs. Spinner Loading Plugin

Hi -

I’m not sure which plugin would be best suited for my use case because I noticed on both demo editors, the splash screen and the spinner had to be indicated with a timer for how long they ran.

Is there an option for when Bubble is processing a workflow that the spinner or splash page run for that duration instead of a set time? i.e Instead of the loading bubble bar at the top, can one of these plugins step in instead?


Hi @anthony.woodard91

Thank you for reaching out.

Indeed, the splash loading plugin and spinner loading plugin are quite similar, but the splash loading screen is mainly used on page loads to cover the whole page, and the spinner loading plugin is used to animate a particular part of the screen to show that the content is loading.

Unfortunately, the plugin can’t determine the duration of a particular workflow, or how long it will take a page to load due to various reasons(internet connection, the length of workflow). Therefore, at the moment it is only possible to apply a set time to a loading splash/spinner plugin, but as a workaround, you can set a timer on how much time the particular workflow needs, and then set that time to a splash/spinner loading action.

In case you have any other questions, simply let me know :slight_smile:

Have a great weekend!