Services Plugins FAQs

Streaming video from security cameras

Hi evebody, I need to have a plugin where I can put a url with RTSP
video and show the video in that address For example rtsp://rtspreader:rtspreader@xxxxxxxx.xx:8554/cam-demo

Can I make this with bubble?

Now we can do it in native solution (android, iOS) but we want to do it on Bubble.


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Hello @leandro.alberto.ross,

Please accept my apologies for the late reply. :pray:

Currently, Zeroqode doesn’t offer a plugin specifically for embedding RTSP video streams directly into a Bubble application. Browsers typically don’t support RTSP, and you would generally need to convert the stream to a web-friendly format like HLS or WebRTC.

You may need to host a media server that converts the RTSP stream to HLS or another compatible format, and then use a video player plugin that supports that format. Zeroqode offers video player plugins that could be used to display the video once it’s in the right format.

Also, we will investigate further and let you know if there will be other more convenient solutions.

Best Regards,

Thank you Daniel for your answer!

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Hi @leandro.alberto.ross, :wave:

You’re always welcome! If you have any more questions about our products or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy holidays :christmas_tree:

Best Regards,

Hi Daniel,

I figure our how to put the video in m3u8, I tested your plugin HLS in your demo page but the video is not working.

We have this camera connected to test.

Could you help me with that?

Best Regards

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Hi @leandro.alberto.ross,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I have tested the Live Demo page with the link you provided, and also with other m3u8 links.

I’ve informed our developers, and as soon as I have more information, I’ll notify you. :pray:

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best Regards,

Thank you Daniel for the answer. Please keep me in touch with the resolution.

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Hi @leandro.alberto.ross, :wave:

As agreed I am coming back with more info. Our developers have confirmed that the plugin is working as expected. The issue is with the video link: It originates from an insecure HTTP format source, and since most websites run on secure HTTPS, the browser is likely blocking the video stream for security reasons. This is a common measure to maintain web security standards. For the video to work, you would need to serve the stream over HTTPS. Please see the screenshot, where I have tried the link with other HLS Player(HLS Player - Free M3U8,DASH Player - Livepush):

Also, I have tested the plugin with other m3u8 links (, and it seems to be working, please see the screenshot:

Please let me know if you need further assistance or have any more questions.

Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree:

Best Regards,

Thank you Daniel, We will put that in a server with certificates to have the HTTPS and let yo know.

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Hi again @leandro.alberto.ross, :wave:

Glad to be helpful. Please feel free to reach us again when you need some help or assistance. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, if you like our plugin you can rate it by going to the Plugins tab in Bubble editor. Find the plugin by name and give it as many stars as it deserves. We would appreciate it a lot!

Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree:

Best Regards,