Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe Marketplace - Error while retrieving Session ID


I have some kind of strange problem while retrieving my payment data to check if the payment is valid.

Although the data is good, I have the following error that keeps happening:

Here are my Workflow for the button creating the session and the page load getting it back :

I remain available if you need more information and thank you for your time.

Have a great day

I still have this issue if someone have a fix :sob:

Hello, @maxence.carpentier

In order to provide you with the most accurate answer, I need to receive all the screenshots for the “Page is loaded and Get States from the page URL is payment”.
Please note that on our side, this event is configured in a next way:

As you can see, these steps are configured in another way on our side. Thus, we need to check how exactly it is configured within your app.

I am looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

Hello @Ecaterina , thanks for your answer !

Here are all the screenshots. The last steps are not related to stripe marketplace, it’s only an update of the courses the user can access.

The service Stripe marketplace - Retrieve a session just returned an error (HTTP 404). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error:

  "error": {
    "message": "Invalid checkout.session id: cs_test_CENSORED",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

Hello, @maxence.carpentier
Thanks for the screenshots.

Make sure there is an actual checkout session with the ID you specify in the account you specify.
In order to check it, please enter the Stripe Logs and pull the account through there.

Also, please note that in order to investigate the error, we need to understand how exactly you are Creating the Session+ Go to checkout. Here are screenshots of our Demo Page for this action:

Please note that this action is important for completing the retrieving of the mentioned data.

I am looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

Hello @Ecaterina ,

Here are the screenshots of the Create a session => Go to checkout

Uploading: 3.PNG…

(there is one more that i’ll send in the next message due to limitation)


Here are the logs of a transaction

  "id": "cs_test_a1fp1Roxhd8NqNgcGa19wLxIeNzNGQfsycQugNNo27x3ge0SD0f5KsO3Dy",
  "object": "checkout.session",
  "livemode": false,
  "payment_intent": "pi_3LABElIO1ZExAJA11SoPp7DM",
  "status": "complete",
  "after_expiration": null,
  "allow_promotion_codes": null,
  "amount_subtotal": 500,
  "amount_total": 500,
  "automatic_tax": {
    "enabled": false,
    "status": null
  "billing_address_collection": null,
  "cancel_url": "",
  "client_reference_id": null,
  "consent": null,
  "consent_collection": null,
  "currency": "eur",
  "customer": "cus_Lrv5KDnTcl0TGS",
  "customer_creation": "always",
  "customer_details": {
    "address": {
      "city": null,
      "country": "FR",
      "line1": null,
      "line2": null,
      "postal_code": null,
      "state": null
    "email": "wouwou@wou.wou",
    "name": "wou",
    "phone": null,
    "tax_exempt": "none",
    "tax_ids": [
  "customer_email": "wouwou@wou.wou",
  "expires_at": 1655205315,
  "locale": null,
  "metadata": {
  "mode": "payment",
  "payment_link": null,
  "payment_method_options": {
  "payment_method_types": [
  "payment_status": "paid",
  "phone_number_collection": {
    "enabled": false
  "recovered_from": null,
  "setup_intent": null,
  "shipping": null,
  "shipping_address_collection": null,
  "shipping_options": [
  "shipping_rate": null,
  "submit_type": null,
  "subscription": null,
  "success_url": "",
  "total_details": {
    "amount_discount": 0,
    "amount_shipping": 0,
    "amount_tax": 0
  "url": null

Thank you very much for your help :grinning:

Hello, @maxence.carpentier
Thanks a lot for all these screenshots.

Unfortunately, even with these details, it is complicated to provide you with an exact root cause of the error.
Your settings seem to be right, however, we need to verify some additional points.

Can you please add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators to your application and provide me a link to your application? This will allow us to check your settings and run some tests to fix the mentioned problem.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, you need to do the following steps in the Bubble Editor:

Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Note: avoid the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

I am looking to hear you soon.

1 Like

Hello @Ecaterina ,

I just added this email to the collaborator list.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hello, @maxence.carpentier

I would like to note that our team will investigate your application and we will revert with an update ASAP.
In case we will need additional information, like your Stripe data, I will let you know.

Thanks for the understanding,
Best regards,

1 Like

Hello @Ecaterina ,
Thanks you very much !

Hello, @maxence.carpentier

We started our investigation and it seems like the issue is related to the blank Customer ID value.
In order to make sure that this is where the error is, I need to know on which version you faced the error with the Invalid Session ID - live or test versions.

Also, if it would be convenient for you, can you please provide an access to your Stripe Dashboard?

I’m looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

1 Like

Hello @Ecaterina ,

Thanks for your investigation.

The problem is in both test and live versions.

There is no problem for the Stripe Dashboard. I’ll give you the access on the email in a minute.

Best regards.

This email has successfully been added to my stripe dashboard


Can you please add email to your Stripe Dashboard, since it is our work account for the Stripe?

Thank you!

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Done ! Thanks :slight_smile:

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We have tested the payment process within your app, and the test payment was successful:

Also, please check this screencast:

Even in case, you receive some errors on the Bubble side, in your Stripe dashboard, all is working properly.
In case we misunderstood your request, please record us the detailed video reproducing this error, so we will be able to replicate all the steps :pray:

Best regards,

Here is a video of the problem : Screen Recording 2022 06 17 at 12 43 54 - YouTube

The issue is that the API error isn’t working and is blocking the rest of the transaction: adding the course to the student account and finishing the transaction.

Hello, @maxence.carpentier

We have investigated your application once again and have some additional comments regarding your settings.
Firstly, let me note please, that the root cause of the issue is here:

  1. In the database, there are 2 fields session-id, and the one on the right is filled in at the stage of payment. It does not need to be changed.
    The same with your customer id.

  2. We tried to get the payment method that is needed and we do not have access rights to get this payment method id

  3. The same field is used in 2 different workflows. The one that generates the error should replace this field with the customer id:

Please check all these points and let me know about the result.
Best regards,

Hello @Ecaterina ,

I have fixed these issues and still have the problem mentioned earlier.

After deleting the session id making the error, the next step starts to have almost the exact same error.

The service Stripe marketplace - Retrieve a paymentintent just returned an error (HTTP 404). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error:

  "error": {
    "code": "resource_missing",
    "doc_url": "",
    "message": "No such payment_intent: 'pi_3LBfSxIO1ZExAJA10wD4cfuV'",
    "param": "intent",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

Thanks for these first fixes.