Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe Marketplace Express Plugin - Data Calls are Missing

I have a paid Stripe Marketplace Express plugin, and there is supposed to be a lot of “Stripe Marketplace” data calls, including the “Retrieve a Customer’s Payment Methods” call. It is missing.

– from a recent sample app (template) using the Stripe Marketplace Express" plugin:

See the missing dynamic object… it’s there in the template, but trying to duplicate the conditional, the search doesn’t find anything for “Stripe marketplace…”
This is what I expect.

– this is what I’m seeing in the Bubble editor, both on my app and on the sample template:

– this is what the plugin information page says should be there:

What am I missing?


Hi @pwharker

Thanks for reaching out!

Could you please try using “Get Data from an External API” as the data source? From there, you should be able to select the desired data call. :pray:

Regarding the second screenshot you provided, the previous steps are not from our plugin but rather from Bubble’s default Stripe plugin. If there is a missing source in the template for the next step, it would be best to contact Rapid Dev’s support team directly. They are better equipped to assist you with this issue. You can reach them by emailing

It appears there should be a repeating group displaying the list of cards, which is not related to the Stripe Marketplace Plugin, and that element is missing on your end.

Please let me know if I can try to help you with anything else. :blush:

Best regards,

Thank you so much. That’s the ticket!

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Happy to help! @pwharker

Have a great day. :sunflower: