Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe Marketplace Express - Save a card and link customer to seller in same workflow


My app requires the seller accept the purchase form the buyer before payment goes through. If a buyer uses a credit card that is already saved to their account, this works well by using the Link a Customer to Seller call and the Seller Charge a Customer action (by setting “capture charge” to false.)

However, if a buyer has not yet saved a card to their account, I would like for them to be able to fill out the necessary details to save a credit card (name, card number, expiration month/year, and cvc), create a card, and then proceed with the purchase in the same manner above (Link a Customer to Seller and Seller Charge a Customer). However, I’m having an issue with creating a card, and then immediately referencing it for the rest of the workflow.

Here is the workflow for when a user who has not yet saved the card they want to use hits “Checkout.”

Here is the workflow associated with the Stripe Token on the page.

Here is the error I keep getting

Any help is appreciated!

Hello, @eli.marchbanks.
Thank you for your questions.

I will take a look at your request and get back to you asap I have any useful feedback on your questions.
It might take some time, so please be patient :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, Kate.

However, I ended up solving that problem last night and would hate for you to waste your time.


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Oh, okay. Apologies for not being fast to help you :pray: But still I’m very glad that you’ve managed to figure this out on your own :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a wonderful day!
Regards, Kate

Hello Eli,

I seem to be having the same problem you listed here. How did you resolve it? I believe it is in the “link a customer to a seller” but I’m not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated…

Update: I figured it out. Thanks anyway! For those who come across this issue… you may need to check your data privacy rules. That was my issue. Data was not being sent due to the privacy rules.
