Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe marketplace plugin - API call to auto-refresh balance


I’m working on a booking marketplace app, where upon completion of the appointment, the service provider gets paid.

The only issue is that in order for our user balances to update, they have to reload the page, which can be a pain considering its a mobile app. I need to make an API call to refresh their balance in the background once the service provider completes the appointment but just kind of confused on how to do that with the Stripe Marketplace Plugin.

Here’s a video I’ve been using (for reference) - How to refresh an API call in (without reloading the page!) - YouTube

Service provider presses the “complete” button

no change in balance after funds are dispersed

After reloading

Look forward to hearing back. Thanks!

Hello, @wellspeterson9
Thanks for reaching out and for your question.

Unfortunately, but this method is not workable for this case :pray:
The auto-refreshing of the balance in Stripe is possible by using the Webhook. Please find the instruction below:

  1. Enter your stripe Dashboard and select the required account.

  2. Select the “Webhooks” and press on the “Add an endpoint”:

  3. Please add an Endpoint URL and select the event:

  4. Enable the balance checkbox:

Do not forget to save these changes :slightly_smiling_face:

Please try it and let me know about the result.
Best regards,