Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe Secret API Key error

Hi I purchased the Booky template & followed the instructions on how to integrate Stripe. Everything on the Stripe side is set up fine, however I keep running into an issue with the Secret Key when hitting Pay, everything before that works until the transaction. The error reads: “Stripe error: Invalid API Key provided: sk_live…”

  • The key that is shown on the console log error does not match my actual secret keys
  • I’ve created a new secret key and matched those
  • I’ve checked for spaces
  • I’ve reached out to Stripe they told me to reach out to Bubble after going through the error with them
  • I’ve cleared cache
  • I’ve uninstalled & re-installed the plugin

I’ve included some screenshots below. Please help!! Thank you

Hello @versaup

In the template there are 2 plugins related to stripe actions and events.

Please be sure to provide keys for both plugins in settings, respectively.
Hope this helps.


Hey Dumitru,

Thank you for your response! I tried that and I’m getting a new error that reads:

_Stripe error: You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth (e.g. ‘Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY’). See Stripe API reference – curl for details, or we can help at

Do I just need to add Bearer to my keys for both Stripe and Stripe Actions plugin? I’m not familiar with this and don’t want to make a syntax error.

Thank you so much again!


Stripe and Stripe Actions have different types of syntax.

Stripe keys should look like this in settings:

While the Stripe Actions keys like this:

Please try this out. Thanks.

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