Services Plugins FAQs

Swipe to workflow action - specific element by id


Hello, @fghdgsfa. Thanks for reaching out.

I have checked the application, which you have shared, on iOS (iPhone 11, v.13.4) and Android (Pixel 2xl, v10) devices - the upwards swipe works correctly on both phones.

When you swipe up, the menu reveals more actions to perform with the user’s profile. I suppose, you intended the swipe up action do this job, right?

Also, the workflow you have shown is set correctly too. The plugin works correctly on your application. :slight_smile:

@fghdgsfa, could you provide more details on the error issue you’ve faced? What the desired result and the actual result? And the error screenshots of the browser console, please.
This will help me understand what’s wrong, because, at the moment, I can see a fully workable plugin element.





Can you please place a swipe plugin element inside the floating group together with the element, which you want to swipe-up (slideprofileactions)? Thus, the plugin element and the element you want to swipe will have the same position and id. Please check and confirm if the situation is changed to better.




Our Tech colleague has tested your scenario. Also, a swipe plugin element with any available elements of the Bubble, on iPhone X simulation - the plugin is fully workable.
Referring to my colleague’s words, the error message you’ve shared is occurred due to the error in your workflow.

Since you can not share with us the access to your application, could you please check twice your workflow? Or, at least, try to provide us with the screenshots of the workflow. All steps, referring to the swipe element, within which you’ve experienced an issue.

Thanks for understanding.



Please add this email as a collaborator -
View only mode - it’s ok :slight_smile:
Let me know when we can have an access to your app :pray:


Sure thanks, I’ll update you here when I have added, will be about a weeks time.