Services Plugins FAQs

The service PDF URL - API Call just returned an error

An alert when using the plugin Bubble page to PDF converter is now showing in one of my apps when converting an element to PDF:

I have version 1.111.0 in Live and I have updated to the latest version of the plugin in version-test to 1.127.0 but the alerts still shows in both. The PDF is being generated but the alert shows every time.

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Hello @mayfer, :wave:

Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply. :pray:

Thank you for sharing the details. I have checked the Bubble Page to PDF Converter plugin on our side, and the issue is not present.

To assist you better, could you please provide more details about when this issue appeared and how we can replicate it on our end? Specifically, information about:

  1. The exact steps you are taking when the alert appears.
  2. The type of elements you are trying to convert to PDF.
  3. Any recent changes or updates made to your application before the issue started.
  4. Whether this issue occurs in both development and live versions of your app or only in a specific environment.

Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,