I;m using the paid QuickBooks Plugin – not accounting. the login seems to work, company selection works, and I get a realmId on my page, but as soon as QB login completes the page reloads and I get an error popup. I’m using the signup/login with social network on a workflow when my connect to QB button is pressed. Any suggestions?
x15:6 Element Button - The service QuickBooks just returned an error (HTTP 403). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error:
code: "1645994017032x962144526873977000"
element_instance: e {element: t.exports, mode: 'run', status: 55, _parent: e, children: Array(0), …}
event: t.exports {json: e, E: {…}, _field_names: {…}, get_static_property_run_cache_1_param: ƒ}
log: Array(2)
0: "resuming workflow at action cmmUv0 OAuthLogin"
1: "about to resume OAuthLogin cmmUv0"