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Tracking medium activity with Matomo for Custom audio player plugin

Hi I am trying to track audio player activity with Matomo which requires as a standard html5 players.

What are the options with ZQ’s Custom audio player plugin?

What code to add to bubble? Or do I better change player?


Hi @floripaolo,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Could you please provide me with more details about what you are looking for in the Custom Audio Player plugin? With more information, I can provide you better assistance about the functionality and usecases.

Hope to hear back from you soon :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

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Hi dorel

Ok. It seems to work partially. I can see the linked file in the


Hi @floripaolo,

Could you please clarify what you mean by “add the audio title within the element”? I will try my best to help as soon as I understand your request :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:


I would like to add the title in the audio element.


Hi @floripaolo,

So you want the title to be in the element properties of the element inside the console? I feel like I might be missing something, so any additional details would be greatly appreciated :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:


I want to add a title attribute to the HTML <audio> element, so that the tracking tool (Matomo) can track and display the audio titles instead of URLs.

Is there a way to set the title attribute with Bubble?

Hi @floripaolo,

Thanks for the extra details :pray:

I have created an investigation task for the developers to check what could be done from our side. I will keep you updated as soon as more information is available!

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @floripaolo,

I’m coming with good news for you :blush:

We have released a new version for the Custom Audio Player plugin - version 1.15.0. In this update, a new field has been added in the plugin element for the song title that will add a title attribute in the console. I hope this will help with your tracking tool!

Could you please update the plugin and try out the new version? I would love some feedback to know if everything is working as it should :hugs:

Best regards :sunflower:

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Thanks a lot.

I will try it and let you know!

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Hi @floripaolo,

Just a quick reminder to check if you have tested the new version and if you could provide some feedback about it!

Please let us know as soon as you have a free moment. Your input is greatly appreciated :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Hi @dorel

We have solved it with a js script meanwhile. But since you made the effort (which I highly appreciate), I changed the workflow and activated it with the updated plugin. Let’s see how that works. I’ll let you know.

I had to revert it to the JS script in the workflow. the plugin title is not seen by Matomo.

Hi @floripaolo,

It could be that the plugin tag is called “title” while the one you are adding is called “video_title”. I suggest either changing the accepted tag on your tracking software or using the JS script you have now!

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at any time :pray:

Best regards :sunflower: