Hi, I’m having issues with a bubble workflow to a SMS to a list of users.It works fine for a short amount like 10 or 20, but once I send more there seems to be some missing. (for example I tried 160 and only 35 received an SMS). I suspect the issue might lie from the logic of the workflow, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask if the plugin was able to handle a large amount of requests?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @anamir94, thanks for your message.
Our plugin has no limits included, so I would recommend checking the Twilio platform limitations, which may interfere with the expected result.
- https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402434663195-How-many-Twilio-numbers-or-senders-can-I-have-in-a-Messaging-Service-
- https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223183648-Sending-and-Receiving-Limitations-on-Calls-and-SMS-Messages
- https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002943027-Understanding-Twilio-Rate-Limits-and-Message-Queues
Hope this information helps. If there will be any other plugin-related questions, please let me know.
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