Services Plugins FAQs

Twilio Plugin Not Responding

Hey there. I’ve installed the Bubble Twilio plugin, but it’s not displaying any error messages or messages whatsoever.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Copied and pasted by Sid and Authtoken into, like this: [mySid]:[myAuth] (in other words, 1234:1234)

  2. It spit out a code, and I pasted that in my Authentication Header settings in the plugin, like this:

  1. I then set up a workflow when I click a button:

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? The documentation was really difficult to follow, and I could only find one other support topic on this. I’m not sure if:

1 - You aren’t actually supposed to use the Base 64 encoder.
2 - You are supposed to use the encoder, but not actually type the “:”
3 - You’re supposed to only use the Live key

Some screenshots or a video would be really helpful. I worked at it for an hour, but can’t get anywhere.

you should encode the credentials and put the word Basic before the encoded key with a space between them
the sender phone might actually start with 1? (12153302164)

Hi @levon thanks for answering so quickly! Unfortunately, I did that and it didn’t work. Here’s exactly what I did, let me know if I missed anything:

  1. I copied and pasted my Account SID and Auth Token, into the Base64 Encoder, as such:


  1. The Base 64 encoder spit out something like this: QUMzNjU0NmY1MGdskljSDJFDSAsdjkfljdsklfdSJDFDJSjk4OQ==

  2. I went to plugin settings, and wrote: "Basic " (including the space)

  3. I pasted the code after, like this: Basic QUMzNjU0NmY1MGdskljSDJFDSAsdjkfljdsklfdSJDFDJSjk4OQ==

  4. In the workflow, I pasted my Account SID in the path(Account Sid) field, and filled out the body, receipient, etc.

  5. When I click the button, I get no message at all - not any errors, no Bubble pop-up, or anything.

we’ll check it out but meanwhile you could also try Copilot’s twilio plugin

@levon, @jeremiah: Was his issue ever resolved? I don’t understand the step #4 and #5 in Zeroquode documenation for Twilio. What URL is being referred to here:

  1. Insert the Account SID parameter for the URL

  2. Fill out the senderphonenumber, recipient and message parameters (don’t use hyphens for these fields or “+” for the phone


Greetings, @dhawan_30!

Thank you for contacting us.

I’ve tested it a couple of times and the issue was not reproducing on our Demo page. Using the trial number from Twilio as a senderphonenumber and my own number (which I have verified) as a recipient, I am getting the messages.

These steps are requiring actions in your editor. Using our Demo page as an example, you can build inputs for inserting senderphonenumber, recipient, and message text:

In the workflow trigger the plugin action “Twilio - Send text message”. In the action fields, you indicate the dynamic data - input value

Regarding URL it was a bit confusing, so, based on your feedback, we’ve changed it in our Demo page:)

Hope I’ve managed to clarify these points for you.

If you’ll have any additional questions, please, let me know.

Best regards.

Can someone link me to the zeroqode documentation for the twilio plugin? The page here Twilio Plugin for Bubble | Plugin for Bubble by Zeroqode
says insert the SID and auth token, but nothing about base 64 conversion.

Also, Twilio gives me an “Auth token” but the twilio plugin on bubble has one blank for token and another blank for authorization, which should i put it in?

I can’t get the demo page to work. What format should I enter the phone number in?

Hi @jeffmccutcheon, thanks for your message.

This plugin comes only with instructions available in the plugin description and on the plugin demo page.

There is no base64 conversion required for plugin setup.

Auth token is required in case you have a subdomain that you would like to include in the “Twilio Send SMS” action.

I’ve passed the issue with demo page to the developer team for checking. The number should be inserted in international format, starting with + .

Please let me know if there is anything else that I can help about our plugin.


My send a twilio workflow action doesn’t look like that. It doesn’t have a field for account SID

The backend of the twilio plugin has blanks for SID and token which I have entered, but also API Key and API secret. Are these necessary?

Hi @jeffmccutcheon, thanks for your reply.

Please be sure to use our plugin, with the update to the last version, it comes will all earlier mention fields

Please be sure that you are using our plugin at last available version.

If any inconvenience still exists, please let me know.
