Services Plugins FAQs

Unable to Get New Access Token with Quickbooks Authenticate Plugin

I have tried to follow the instructions and example workfows for using QuickBooks Authentication plugins but I get the following HTTP 400 error when trying to get a new access token.

I have double checked the client/

Why is the live demo not working. It does not seem to be able to get tokens either. Live Demo:

Hello, @kelly
Thanks for your message.

Most of the time, error 400 means that the server is unable to process the request being sent due to an issue that is perceived by the server (corrupted).
Can you please let us know how you configured the Authentification action on your side and share some screenshots?

I will check it ASAP and will let you know about the result.

Best regards,

This is on page load:

Plugin Config

Hello, @kelly
Sorry for my late answer here. Our team was on weekends :pray:

I need to mention that the root cause for this issue - is the expired Access Token and Refresh Access Token.

As you can see, the Intuit Playground panel indicated the expiration date for each type of Tokens.
So, in our workflow these variables are used:

The refresh Token is stored in the Bubble Data Base and for fixing this issue, you need to create a new Refresh Token and add it to the DB:

Please try to create a new token and let me know about the result.
Best regards,