Services Plugins FAQs

Uplance Template - Freelancer Payout Problems

In the Uplance Template, how are payouts to Freelancers supposed to occur? In our testing, the only account that is being paid out is our Business account. The Client account is being charged the full amount for the product, but the Freelancer is not receiving payment. The entire amount the Client pays goes directly to our Business account minus Stripe fees. Is there a certain page/workflow that addresses this area? Is there a connection with Stripe that may be causing this issue?

Our other area of issue is with the calculation for our marketplace service fee. The Uplance service fee is different than ours, where do we change this fee in the workflow to reflect our different fee? I’ve changed the fee on the job post page, is there another area where this calculation needs to change?

When we go to Hire a Freelancer for a project, the following error pops up.
Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.11.30 PM

We believe this may be causing problems with our payment processing. Do you know the impact upgrading has on this error? Is there a workaround where one does not have to upgrade?

Lastly, when we go to Complete a project from the Client portal, we receive the following error message preventing us from Completing the project. This error completely freezes the process, and we cannot move forward in the workflow. Do you have any guidance on how to fix this issue?
Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.08.46 PM Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.08.58 PM

Any help with these issues is greatly appreciated!


Hi @jon4,

Thanks for reaching out. Sorry it seems to be an issue on our side. Please let us fix it asap and then get back to you with another update, so you’ll be able to use the fixed version of the template!


Hi @jon4,

An update here. We managed to fix the template and push the fixed version to live. Please create a brand new app based on Uplance and give it a try again!

Note: the only place you need to change the platform fee of your choice is via Admin dashboard here:

And to showcase the fixed payments, let’s say this is your terms information before submitting a proposal:

As you can see, it is dynamically retrieving the platform fee here.

Just in case you want to change any logic related to payments, you need to check the employer-dashboard page, SubmitHire and Complete buttons.

SubmitHire button:

Complete button:

But please note that the only place where you need to make any changes via front-end is the Admin dashboard, where you can set your own Platform fee and it will handle it dynamically for you.

Here are the Stripe dashboard results:

And when you check the Transfers to make sure the connected account received the right amount:

As you might have noticed, the platform is taking care of the Processing fees charged by Stripe, transferring the full amount after Platform fee cut to the freelancer. But if you want to make any changes to this logic, feel free to do it as mentioned above.

Thanks for your patience. :pray:


Thanks for your timely response. In regards to the update of the template, what exactly did you change? Is there a way to mimic those changes in my existing app without having to start over?

Hi @jon4,

Sure, just make sure to have the same setups as per screenshots below.

freelancer_onboarding page, Group Rate:

job-detail page, Group Terms:

employer-dashboard page:

SubmitHire button

Complete button

And you should be good to go. In case you need more help, you can always create a brand new project based on Uplance and simply compare the two projects, meaning you don’t need to start all over again but simply use the new project as a reference, perhaps just copy and paste the fixes if you will.
