Services Plugins FAQs

Uplance template - Testing stripe

Hi Zeroqode,

I’m using the Uplance template. I’ve connected Stripe, created a job as an employer and paid using the generic cc # 4242. The connect test mode in stripe recognizes the balance. When attempting to “complete” the job and pay the freelancer, bubble displays an error of “insufficient funds in your stripe account, try enabling manual payouts”. Wondering if you might know why this error is occurring or if it may be from any of the below:

  1. Freelancer account is incomplete in test mode and cannot be paid in testing. Would it transfer if the freelancer had a live completed profile?

  2. Within the API ‘Create a Transfer’, ‘Key’: destination
    ‘Value’: change account # to my stripe account number?
    Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 8.07.58 PM

Thank you so much for the help,

Hi @jasonturo, thanks for your message.
Please check if you’ve followed the supporting documentation and indicated the test keys accordingly in all Stripe plugin-related fields.


In case the API keys are indicated right, and error persists, would it be convenient for you to add our as a collaborator of your app?
That will allow us to check what’s wrong with your setup and test it out in our workspace.

Enter your Bubble editor page → Settings → “Collaboration” tab → Invite a user (email).

(Note: disregard the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.)

I will check your setup and do a few tests in an attempt to find the root cause and help you fix it.
In case it is ok for you, please let me know.


Hi @Serg,

This documentation is no longer available, do you mind updating?

@laila ,

Sure thing, here you go :slightly_smiling_face:

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