Services Plugins FAQs

Upload files from Bubble storage to custom S3


I would like to know if there would be any way to be able to use the AWS File uploader plugin, to pick up a file that already loaded on Bubble storage system.

Our customers sign contracts with us via DocuSign. DocuSign has a very extensive API, and one of the services they have is to be able to access the signed contract. From Bubble, we can access that file, setting the type of the API call as a file. The problem is that this file is automatically saved in the s3 provided by Bubble.

I would like to know if there would be any way to be able to access through actions, be able to access that file from the API and then automatically upload it to the S3.

Thank you very much and I hope I have explained myself correctly.

Hello @pbenito,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Indeed, you can achieve this with the “Upload Files” action provided by our AWS plugin. To make this action work, you should set up a FileUploaderNoGUI element on your page with the appropriate access/private key and bucket name. You can also customize the action to upload files to a specific folder if needed.

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us here or at

Have a great day!

But would it be possible to do this from a workflow in the backend?

Thank you.

Hello @pbenito,

Currently, we don’t have a backend action to upload files directly to the AWS bucket. However, I’ve relayed your feedback to our development team for consideration. As soon as we have any updates or potential solutions regarding this, we’ll be sure to inform you.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Wishing you a fantastic day ahead :hugs: :star2:

Well I hope your team consider it. It would be the icing of the cake with this plugin.

Hello @pbenito,

Thank you for your request!

Your request for backend uploading has been noted, and I’ve created an improvement ticket for it. Rest assured, once our developers have implemented this feature in the plugin, we will promptly notify you.

In the meantime, should you have any more questions, concerns, or if there’s anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to get in touch with us here or at

Wishing you a fantastic Monday :hugs:

Thanks a lot. Can’t wait to see this working!


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Do we have any update on this possible new feature?


Hi @pbenito,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your request.

Unfortunately, there is no update available yet regarding your feature request. Rest assured, I will keep you updated as soon as there is any progress or an update that includes the feature you’ve requested.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Wishing you a productive day :hugs:

It’s fine. I understand it, but just I would like to know if this feature it will be included in your roadmap so we will have this feature in the future?


Hi @pbenito

I can confirm that this improvement has been added to the plugin’s roadmap. Please rest assured we will inform you once there are any updates in this regard :pray:

Wishing you the best day :hugs:

Hi, there is any update with this new feature?


Hello @pbenito,

Thank you for checking in!

I’m sorry to report that there hasn’t been progress on your request at this time. As mentioned previously, the task has been created and added to the plugin’s roadmap. Our developers are currently handling a high volume of high-priority tasks, but they will address your request as soon as possible.

Rest assured, I will keep you updated on the development of this feature. Could you please share your email with us? It would allow us to contact you directly when there are updates.

Best regards :sunflower:

Thanks dorel,

I send to you a DM with my contact.


Any update with this feature? Thanks.

Hi @pbenito,

Unfortunately, there are no updates regarding uploading files from Bubble to AWS S3 from the backend. However, we are working on investigating a new update that will likely include an action to work on the backend, allowing you to provide the Bubble File URL and upload the file to your AWS bucket.

We will reach out to you when this feature is available using the email address you previously provided!

Best regards :hibiscus:

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