Services Plugins FAQs

Upload to S3 folder based on customer

I am looking at implementing the S3 uploader into my app and need help with the config.

I have an app where I would have files loaded in by selecting customers. And for that reason I would like to structure the S3 also in a similar way where each customer created will have a dedicated folder.

I need help on how can I implement this feature on bubble and what would be the config and workflow.

Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Hello, @satish.sreenivasan
Thanks for reaching out.

I will be happy to assist you with some general advice on the plugin configuration :slightly_smiling_face:

You can create a dynamic folder for each of your users, so every uploaded file would be placed in the specific folder (which will be called by the name of the user).

For example, on this screenshot, you can find the configuration for the folder by the current user.

In your dropdown, you should retrieve the data about users, so after selecting any of them, you will see their files (for example in the Repeating Group).

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best regards,

Hi @Ecaterina Thank you so much for the inputs. I think I am done with most of my AWS setups :crossed_fingers:

This is my upload component and setting.

  1. In the folder name input I have given parent groups customer name as folder name. Does this mean the folder will be created for the customer automatically when the file is uploaded and it automatically goes into respective folder?

  2. Interestingly my component’s Placeholder text “Click to upload files” is not showing up when in design mode, however it shows up in preview mode. May be this is plugin bug?

  3. I get an interesting error when I upload a file, do you know what this means?


I figured out the issue why I am getting 0 code error. It was because there was a discrepancy in Identity Pools region setting which I fixed.
Also the file is going to AWS and I am able to receive the link into the input box.

  1. I would like to store this link in my data base (as an integer or JASOn or text) , do we have any workflow examples on how to store this link in data base? Because I would like users to click on link and download the files.

Hello, @satish.sreenivasan

You could definitely save the link to your DB. Here is an example of the workflow:

Do not forget to create a new Data Type for the saved links, like this:

On our Demo page, you can see that after uploading the file, you will receive the link. So after pressing on it, you or your user will open the file in the new tab:

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

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@Ecaterina That works great, Thanks.
I used a simple setting in your uploader setup which creates customer folder and loadsfiles into the folder.

After that I have followed your instructions.
Thanks for the great support

Hey, @satish.sreenivasan
Thanks for the appreciation.

In case I can help you with anything else- let me know. I will be happy to assist you.

Best regards,