Services Plugins FAQs

Uploadcare file upload behind paywall


First post here so hello to everyone.

My question is about the multi upload to uploadcare.

I’m building a website that users subscribe to.

If they get a subscription then they can view the images I’ve uploaded.

In other words if I load the images to uploadcare is it possible to make the uploadcare url NOT visible unless the subscription has been paid.

Can the uploadcare urls be put behind a paywall?


Hi @alec.bancroft,

Thanks so much for reaching out to us!

Here’s what I understood from your message: You are using our Files Pro plugin to upload files to Uploadcare cloud and display them in your application. Users can access these images only if they are subscribed to your application.

You can set a condition so that the images are not visible if the current user’s subscription status is denied. Alternatively, you can use a privacy setting in your database (if you store the URLs of the files there) to control data availability. If the current user is subscribed, you can grant permission to access the database information.

Please consider this advice as general guidance since I am not fully aware of your detailed use case and application setup. Additionally, this is considered a custom build of the application and does not directly involve the plugin itself, so I won’t be able to provide further information on how to achieve your desired use case.

If you have any other questions or concerns about our plugins, feel free to reach out to us here on the forum or at

Best regards :sunflower:

On the app I am building only I can upload photos. The users cannot upload any photos, they can only view what I have uploaded.

I notice that ZeroQode have 2 Plug Ins.

Files Pro Plugin
File uploads >50mb + Video Capture

Which is the best of the 2 Plugins to meet my needs?


Hi @alec.bancroft,

Apologies for the delay over the weekend :pray:.

I am not able to suggest which plugin will meet your standards the best. Our Files Pro plugin comes with its own element UI and supports multiple cloud services for uploading. The File Uploads plugin primarily uploads to Uploadcare cloud but also supports uploads from various sources such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more.

You can check out the demo page for the Files Pro plugin and the demo page for the File Uploads plugin to see their functionalities and determine which one best suits your needs!

The functionality you initially asked about is not related to the plugin but to the privacy rules and configuration of your application. You should be able to achieve it using either plugin, as both return URLs of the files you upload.

Best regards :hibiscus: