Hello everyone,
I would like to know if it’s possible to integrate a navigation system with a no-code platform. I have a vehicle transport platform that’s developed on Bubble. Instead of just having a stagnant marker on a map, I’d like to allow users to track vehicles when they’re in route on a map…something similar to the movement you see on google map direction or on the Uber or Lyft app. I am even open to somehow integrating google direction into the platform, if that’s possible.
The purpose of my question has two parts: 1. To know if this is possible with Bubble or another no-code platform, so that I can get the help I need to integrate it now; or 2. To know ASAP if this is a limitation…something that’s not possible. That way, I can determine if I need to continue using no-code platform for my application or transition from it ASAP.
Tracking vehicles in real time is such an integral part of the concept of transporting people’s vehicle, and the feature seems so common on apps these days, that I’m hoping that it’ll be possible to have on a no-code platform…because I dont see how we can build for the long-term without such a necessary feature.